Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Texarkana, AR

Find local Texarkana, Arkansas florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Texarkana and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Texarkana Flower Shops

Albertsons Floral

3710 N State Line Ave
Texarkana, AR 71854
(870) 774-3146

Flower Concepts By Cher

4310 Morningvue Dr
Texarkana, AR 71854

Texarkana AR News

Feb 27, 2020

Pretty in Pink | Blooming tree hints at spring - Texarkana Gazette

Federal Courthouse on State Line Avenue provides an early hint of spring. It is always one of the first flowering trees to bloom in Texarkana — or maybe, because of its prominence and placement, one of the first to be noticed. It is a type of tree that goes by many names. Its scientific title is Liriodendron. It is also called a Jane Magnolia or an Ann Magnolia because, as you might suspect, it is in the magnolia family of trees. The blooms of the magnolia tree and tulip tree have much in common, including texture. A more descriptive moniker? How about The Pink Tree. But that would be too easy and obvious. Its bark reminds some people of poplar trees. Thus it is sometimes called the tulip poplar, though the two are only distantly related. The blooms of the tulip tree are big and beautiful, similar to those on a magnolia tree. Photo by Les Minor/Texarkana Gazette. And while it's pink and white flowers add cheer to the parks around the courthouse even on the drabbest of days, let some sunlight break through the cover and the tree practically gushes when the wind rustles the trembling glitz on its branches. The tulip tree (also written tuliptree), is native to our Eastern Seaboard and also Ch...

Jun 29, 2017

Local Widow Conveys Gratitude to “Three Angel” Firefighters for Their Kindness

Advertisement On May 18, 2017, Ezra Sims, Texarkana, Arkansas passed away peacefully as he was praying in his residence. Three Texarkana, Arkansas Fire Department firefighters responded to the emergency call and attempted to resuscitate Sims. Lilly Sims, spouse of Ezra, wanted to convey her gratitude to those “three angels” who comforted her during the time of tragedy.Captain Jeff Tanner, Firefighter Nathan Reeves, and Engineer Travis Deel returned to the residence on May 24th with flowers and card as they checked in on the Sims family. The firefighters said they wanted Lilly to know that they cared about her.Captain Tanner said, “This was just a sad call. We have a lot of calls and some stick more than others. We care about our community and wanted to do something nice in return.”Ezra was charismatic and personable, well liked in the community. “He dedicated his time to helping his local church and valued everything his hands touched,” said Sims. He was a Texarkana native, only moving away after joining the United States Air... (TXK Today)

May 25, 2017

A&M-Texarkana and Bowie County Master Gardeners to host gardening workshops

Do you enjoy gardening and want to learn more about gardening in the Ark-La-Tex region?Texas A&M University-Texarkana and the Bowie County Master Gardeners will host a series of free gardening workshops this summer to provide techniques and information about growing vegetables, lawn care, controlling insects and diseases, and more.Classes are set for Mondays, June 12, July 10 and Aug. 14, from 6-8 p.m. in the TEXAR Room, University Center 116, on the A&M-Texarkana campus, 7101 University Ave., Texarkana, Texas.“Keyhole Gardening and Victory Gardens” will be the topic of the June 12 session.A keyhole garden is a raised-bed planter often built in the shape of a circle that measures approximately six feet in diameter, stands waist-high and is notched like a pie with a slice cut away. A hole in the center of the planter holds a composting basket that moistens and nourishes the soil. When viewed from above, the planter resembles a keyhole.Prevalent during World War II, victory gardens allowed individuals to contribute to the war effort by growing their own food. These gardens were designed to...

Apr 20, 2017

Dr. Seuss-like Flowers Found by Texas Park Rangers

Park rangers in Texas have found flowers that look like they could have come from a Dr. Seuss book.When the Atlanta State Park near Texarkana in North Texas Tuesday, comparisons to the Truffula trees from Dr. Seuss' “The Lorax” began pouring in.According to the post, the phenomena aren’t even really flowers, but are called “wool sower gall,” and they grow when wool sower wasps lay eggs in a white oak, the rangers posted.When the eggs hatch in springtime, chemicals are released that stimulate the plant to grow the fluffy ball, which gives the tiny wasp grubs food and protection. The photos show the puffy pink plant growing out of dead leaves and branches, perched on the end of a thin twig.The post describing Ranger Steve’s find has received more than 1,100 likes and has been shared almost 2,000 times since Tuesday.Because of all the interest in the gall, the park decided to host a hike Friday so locals can see the natural phenomenon and learn more about them, ., wool sower galls allow the wasps to have a parasitic relationship to the oak tree, but the galls don’t overtake or damage the tree. Wool sower galls have al...

Nov 9, 2016

What Do Analysts Think Of Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO)?

North Carolina; Jamestown, North Carolina, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. The Warehouse Segment’s production plant locations include Montgomery, Alabama; Texarkana, Arkansas; London, Kentucky; Tucker, Georgia; Cedar Rapids, Iowa (mix plant); Cleveland, Tennessee, and Crossville, Tennessee. The Company’s DSD Segment operates approximately 40 bakeries that market a range of bakery foods, including breads, buns, rolls, tortillas and snack cakes. The Warehouse Segment produces frozen bread and rolls, and snack cakes. The Warehouse Segment’s Company-owned brands include Mrs. Freshley’s, European Bakers and Broad Street Bakery. (Fiscal Standard)

Oct 27, 2016

Cornerstone's oldest resident turns 105

Cornerstone’s oldest resident, Helen Powell, celebrated her 105th birthday at Cornerstone Tuesday, surrounded by friends and family. Born in Texarkana, Texas and a graduate from Texarkana High School, Helen Powell is both the oldest resident currently living in the community, and also the resident who has lived the longest at Cornerstone. She is a cancer survivor and says she doesn’t have a secret of longevity. According to her caretakers, she gives no credit to a special diet or a rigorous exercise regimen. On the contrary, Mrs. Powell loves candy, so much in fact that her party featured a table full of delicious sweets. According to her only child, Don Cox, Powell enjoyed to dance in her younger years. “She loved to dance, she and my dad were quite the dancers,” said Cox. Powell’s son stood next to her as attendee’s sang the happy birthday song in unison, moments after he bent over and gave his mother and “birthday girl” a kiss. “She is the most beautiful woman, inside and out. We had some pretty tough times, but she never missed a beat. She went to work and took care of me. She’s been the best mother in the whole wide world, and I am so blessed to have her, I really am,” expressed Powell’s 82-year-old son, Don Cox. (TXK Today)