Florists in Waldron, AR
Find local Waldron, Arkansas florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Waldron and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Waldron Flower Shops
232 South Mainpo Box 1640
Waldron, AR 72958
(479) 637-4707
Waldron AR News
Jul 6, 2018Nature Journal: A look inside the mountain laurel flower
The familiar mountain laurel (Kalmia latiflora) is a case study in this regard. Almost a century ago, Herbert Waldron Faulkner provided an account in his "Mysteries of the Flowers" (Stokes, 1917). I have inserted some asides in brackets:
"Each corolla [cluster of petals] is provided with a ring of twelve small pockets [invaginations], which gently hold the anthers and keep the filaments curved back in a state of tension, all round the central pistil. Thus the flower blooms, and thus it will remain unless some evening a night-moth, attracted by the white laurel blossoms and by their fragrance, arrives and reaching down for nectar disturbs the arrangement of the stamens. [Bumblebees are probably the major pollinator.]
"A little touch will derange the equilibrium and one or several anthers will be released from their pockets; they will fly up with a quick snap, and their pollen will be thrown up forcibly against the moth's body and cling to his woolly covering.
"And it should be noticed that if the moth brings pollen from another flower he is likely to leave some on the prominent stigma, while his body, at the moment of the explosion, acts as a bulwark to protect the pistil from the discharge of the numerous little catapults he has set in action."
There is a Plan B. If no pollinator visits the flower, the anthers are triggered during senescence (when the flower is dying back) and self-pollination occurs. Faulkner continues (below the video):
"No more perfect mechanism could be devised, but the wonder of it is that it can exist in such frail and diaphanous material, and that it can come into existence within a bud, its complex parts first folded and distorted, but sure to unfold, adjust themselves with precision, and work unerring at the slightest touch.
"With the mountain laurel blossoms we can play the moth [or the bee]. Making believe that a pin is our proboscis, we can loosen the anthers from their places in the little pockets and discharge a whole broadside of these weapons and see a cloud of flying projectiles.
"Should we catch some of the pollen and examine it under the microscope [or a hand lens] we would find that it is an ammunition forbidden by the rules of modern warfare, for its grains are more or less connected by delicate filaments, like the chain-shot of olden times [an arrangement that] makes the grains more likely to adhere to the body or entangle the legs of the friendly foe."
I have owned a copy of Faulkner's book for many years. It is one of my favorites. His information is occasionally dated, of course, but the species accounts are always informative and well-written. Many of his drawings and paintings enhance the text. It was reissued by Nabu Press in 2010 and is now online.
George Ellison is an award-winning naturalist and writer. His wife, Elizabeth Ellison, is a wa...
Jul 27, 2016FLOWERS: Big thanks to scholarship donors
Provost Gold Scholarship, Rebecca Modisette; Lamar University Cheer, Stormi Simons; SFA Academic Excellence, Jeremy Batten, McKenzie Summers, Shiloh Waldron; Southern Nazarene University, Kaylee Rawls; Lufkin First Church of the Nazarene, Kaylee Rawls; Angelina County Farm Bureau Calf Scramble, Tell Pinner; Leadership Lufkin Alumni, Emma Cherry; Villasana Fire Department, Kaylee Rawls; Angelina County A&M Club, Matt Lindsey, Shelby Jacob; Edgar Casper Memorial Scholarship, Shelby Jacob; Palmer Medical Dental, Rebecca Modisette, Shelby Jacob, Whitney Flournoy, Brooke Loggins, Kaylee Rawls; Brookshire Brothers Youth Fair, Rebecca Modisette; Angelina County Farm Bureau, Rebecca Modisette, Clarice Flesher; Angelina County Bar Association, Pryde Nerren; Junior League of Lufkin, Clarice Flesher; Piney Woods Sanitation, Alexis Brock; Lufkin Industries Foundation, Kolby Kirkland; Angelina College Challenge Award, Hunter Willis; TJ Mag & Co, Mike Love, Brynden Nerren; Lufkin Federal Credit Union, Kolby Kirkland, Chris Gee aka “Superman,” Clarice Flesher, Jacob House; Dean Academic Scholarship (ETBU), Jeremiah Robertson; Christian Leadership Scholarship (ETBU), Jeremiah Robertson; Joseph & Myrtle Scholarship (ETBU), Jeremiah Robertson; Gina Linstrom Memorial, Whitney Flournoy, Shelby Jacob; CD and Earlene Renfro Memorial, Alexis Brock; Loving Auto Group, Hannah Matteson; TP White/Gladys Gates, Rebecca Modisette; Homer Masonic Lodge, Ceara Davis, Tell Pinner; SFA Track and Field, Jeremy Batten; United States Army, Brennan Burnett; United States Marine Corps, Trae Nichols; Allen Cryer Memorial, Alec Blair, Carissa Wells, Logan Pinner; Angelina College Cheer, Ashley Bailey; Lynn Denman Memorial, Alexis Brock; Huntington Business Owners Association, Hunter Willis; Texas High School Rodeo Association, Tell Pinner; Texas High School Rodeo Association State House, Tell Pinner; HHS Band Boosters, Jarred Capps, Scott Brunner, Courtney LeBlanc, Al... (Lufkin Daily News)
Jun 22, 20162016 Festival of Flowers results
Lexington, SC) / Ward, Marco (CLOVER, SC) 8-0
Boys' 14 Singles (Round of 16)
Gazzo, Jasper (Aiken, SC) def. Simpson, Graeme (Greenwood, SC) 6-3; 6-0
Waldron, Ike (3) (Mountville, SC) def. Hain, Finley (Augusta, GA) 6-3; 6-2
David, Mateo (Taylors, SC) def. Marchant, Landon (Greenwood, SC) 6-1; 6-0
Braga, Frank (Greenville, SC) def. Rholetter, Samuel (Westminster, SC) 3-6; 6-2; 10-6
Arrington, Caleb (4) (Evans, GA) def. Myers, Cullen (Dalzell, SC) 6-0; 6-0
Reese, Patrick (Clinton, SC) def. Maides, Collin (Greenville, SC) 6-0; 6-1
Onkotz, Parker (2) (Simpsonville, SC) def. Cope, Hampton (Lexington, SC) 7-6; 6-3
Boys' 14 Singles (Quarterfinal Round)
Ward, Marco (1) (CLOVER, SC) def. Gazzo, Jasper (Aiken, SC) 7-5; 1-6; 10-2
Waldron, Ike (3) (Mountville, SC) def. David, Mateo (Taylors, SC) 7-5; 1-0 Ret (inj)
Braga, Frank (Greenville, SC) def. Arrington, Caleb (4) (Evans, GA) 6-1; 4-6; 10-8
Onkotz, Parker (2) (Simpsonville, SC) def. Reese, Patrick (Clinton, SC) 6-3; 4-6; 10-8
Boys' 14 Singles (Semifinal Round)
Waldron, Ike (3) (Mountville, SC) def. Ward, Marco (1) (CLOVER, SC) 6-1; 6-3
Onkotz, Parker (2) (Simpsonville, SC) def. Braga, Frank (Greenville, SC) 4-6; 6-2; 10-8
Boys' 14 Singles Consolation (First Round)
Hain, Finley (Augusta, GA) def. Marchant, Landon (Greenwood, SC) 6-0; 6-1
Rholetter, Samuel (Westminster, SC) def. Myers, Cullen (Dalzell, SC) 6-2; 6-1
Cope, Hampton (Lexington, SC) def. Maides, Collin (Greenville, SC) 6-2; 6-0
Boys' 14 Singles Consolation (Second Round)
Reese, Patrick (Clinton, SC) def. Simpson, Graeme (Greenwood, SC) 6-3; 6-1
Hain, Finley (Augusta, GA) def. Arrington, Caleb (4) (Evans, GA) 6-0; 7-5
Rholetter, Samuel (Westminster, SC) def. David, Mateo (Taylors, SC) Wd (inj)
Cope, Hampton (Lexington, SC) def. Gazzo, Jasper (Aiken, SC) 6-3; 6-2
Boys' 16 Doubles (Quarterfinal Round)
MacMillan, Isaac (Clinton, SC) / Waldron, Ike (Mountville, SC) def. Hansell, John (Hilton Head Island, SC) / Sheek, Daniel (Greenwood, SC) 8-5
ALVAREZ, JACK (GREENWOOD, SC) / Self, Mack (Greenville, SC) def. Bedenbaugh, Zachary (Clinton, SC) / Trevino, Tyler (Kinards, SC) 8-2
Boys' 16 Doubles (Semifinal Round)
MacMillan, Isaac (Clinton, SC) / Waldron, Ike (Mountville, SC) def. Darby, Andrew (Greenwood, SC) / Russell, Samuel (1) (Greenville, SC) 9-7
Luke, Benjamin (Greenwood, SC) / Miller, Matthew (2) (Rock Hill, SC) def. ALVAREZ, JACK (GREENWOOD, SC) / Self, Mack (Greenville, SC) 8-4
Boys' 16 Doubles (Final Round)
MacMillan, Isaac (Clinton, SC) / Waldron, Ike (Mountville, SC) def. Luke, Benjamin (Greenwood, SC) / Miller, Matthew (2) (Rock Hill, SC) 8-4
Boys' 16 Singles (Round of 32)
Luke, Benjamin (Greenwood, SC) def. Messer, Jacob (Greer, SC) 6-2; 7-5
Windsor, Alexander (Clinton, SC) def. Sheek, Daniel (Greenw... (Greenwood Index Journal )
Feb 3, 2016Friday's roundup: Southfield fends off Troy Athens
David Syfax scored 30 for Pershing (3-3, 0-2).
Detroit University Prep 73, Southfield Bradford Academy 60: Colyn Waldron scored 22 points and Terrence Bowens and Shawn Pittman scored 12 each for University Prep (7-0, 1-0). Bradford is 3-2, 0-1.
Grosse Pointe Woods University Liggett 48, Novi Franklin Road Christian 44: Spencer Ewing had 17 points and Anthony George had 11 for Liggett (3-4). Gavin Harris scored 15 and Austin Hearns 11 for Franklin Road.
Harper Woods Chandler Park 70, Detroit Old Redford 61: Matthew Richmond had 25 points and Marlin Crowford had 14 for Chandler Park (4-1).
Livonia Churchill 68, Westland John Glenn 49: Joan Andoni had 24 points and John Hovermale had 16 for Churchill (5-1). Joe Moon IV had 11 points for John Glenn (2-4).
Macomb Dakota 92, Macomb L’Anse Creu... (The Detroit News)
Feb 2, 2016Margaret J. Ferrell
Ferrell, of Hanover Park Ill.; beloved cousin, Dot Dodson, of Lebanon; special friends and caregivers, Tony Dematteo, Georgie Vantrease and Brittney Waldron, all of Lebanon.
Mrs. Ferrell enjoyed reading and her Sunday school class at First Baptist Church, but her home and family were of greatest importance to her.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Empower Me Day Camp, P.O. Box 672, Lebanon TN 37088,, or to the American Heart Association.
Ligon & Bobo Funeral Home in Lebanon is in charge of arrangements, 615-444-2142,
(Lebanon Democrat)
Feb 2, 2016Tuesday's roundup: Mott notches first boys basketball win
Donavon Miller had 13 points for Mumford (2-5, 1-4).
Detroit University Prep 57, Warren Michigan Collegiate 55:Tavis Smith scored 11, Colyn Waldron 10 and Kevin Fletcher scored 10 including the winning 3-pointer at the buzzer for University Prep (10-0, 4-0 Charter). Justin Parker scored 14 for Warren Collegiate (5-4, 2-2).
Detroit Western 58, Detroit Osborn 49:Brailen Neely had 21 points and seven assists for Western (6-2, 4-2 PSL), while Karim Murray had 11 points and Armani Tinsley 10. Rashard Zimmerman scored 19 for Osborn.
Farmington 47,Rochester 44: Malik Williams and Jordan Graham scored nine each for Farmington (1-7, 1-1 OAA Blue). Ivan Barraza scored 15 for Rochester (3-6, 1-1).
Farmington Hills Harrison 66, Berkley 55: Adrian Pattah had 23 points and Trevon Dixon 14 for Harrison (4-3).
Fraser 46, Madison Heights Madison 27:Brendan Gordley scored 17 and Jordan Bell 10 for Fraser (1-7). Mike Floyd scored 12 for Madison (1-7).
Hamtramck 63, Detroit Henry Ford Academy 56: Charles Shannon had 20 points and eight rebounds and Jermaine Byas scored 10 for Hamtramck (4-2). Trevion Williams had 28 points and 14 rebounds for Henry Ford (3-5).
Harper Woods Chandler Park 52, Starr Academy 20:Matthew Richmond scored 19 and Jalen Martin 15 for Chandler Park (7-... (The Detroit News)