Birthday Flowers

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Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Manhattan Beach, CA

Find local Manhattan Beach, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Manhattan Beach and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Manhattan Beach Flower Shops

Deep Roots Garden Center And Florist

201 N Sepulveda Blvd
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 379-3634

Manhattan Beach CA News

Jan 8, 2016

20 Best Things to Do in L.A. This Week

Fahrenheit, compared to the frigid waters plaguing most of the country. Other Plunges are planned for Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and other seaside cities in the Southland. Hansen Dam Aquatic Center, 11798 Foothill Blvd., Sylmar; Fri., Jan. 1, 8 a.m.; free. (818) 899-3779, —David Cotner All of humanity's favorite things — by which we mean flowers, marching bands, war documentaries and national parks — meet in grand fashion at the 127th Rose Parade. To honor the centennial of the national park system, the Tournament of Roses' theme this year is "Find Your Adventure" — and what better place to start the adventure finding than the swarmed streets of Pasadena? Along with the Budweiser Clydesdales and a bunch of high school bands, there'll be the usual procession of organic floats, including a PBS SoCal float depicting the setting of popular period drama Downton Abbey. Grand marshal of the whole affair: mop-topped documentarian Ken Burns. Who says parades are for old fogies? Colorado Blvd., Pasadena; Fri., Jan. 1, 8 a.m.; free sidewalk viewing. —Gwynedd Stuart Don't condescend to True Romance, man. It'll fuckin' kill you, man. Written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by Tony Scott, the early-'90s cult classic has endeared itself to a generation of genre fans via endlessly quotable dialogue and grisly violence acted out by a formidable cast: Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette are the lovers/partners in crime, with everyone from Gary Oldman and Samuel L. Jackson to James Gandolfini and Brad Pitt rounding out the ensemble. And if you've never seen the verbal showdown between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken, a trip to the Nuart's midnight scree... (L.A. Weekly)

Jan 8, 2016

Gallery: The Daily Edit 01.07.16

AP Photo/Ben Margot) Ben Margot AP A man rests under the Manhattan Beach pier while the California coast is hit by an El Nino storm in Manhattan Beach, Calif. on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016. El Nino storms lined up in the Pacific, promising to drench parts of the West for more than two weeks and increasing fears of mudslides and flash floods in regions stripped bare by wildfires. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) Nick Ut AP A mud flow skirts a house protected with sandbags in Monrovia, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016. A wildfire two years ago stripped away vegetation and loosened soil. The current El Nino system, a natural warming of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean that interacts with the atmosphere and changes weather worldwide, has tied a system in 1997-1998 as the strongest on record. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes) Damian Dovarganes AP A couple walks during a break in the rain with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background in Sausalito, Calif., on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016. El Nino storms have descended on California and brought wet, windy weather to an area stretching all the way to the Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) Eric Risberg AP Mud and debris flow down hillsides burned in a recent brush fire after heavy rain from the first in a series of El Nino storms that passed over the area above Solimar Be... (Charlotte Observer)

Dec 30, 2015

Volunteers race to finish whimsical Torrance entry in 127th annual Rose Parade

The float’s theme — “A Purrfectly Pawful Adventure” — falls within the Rose Parade’s overall theme, “Find Your Adventure.” Becky Tran of Manhattan Beach invited her whole family, including relatives visiting from Wisconsin. The Trans were tasked with handpicking the brightest red berries and creating a clean, symmetrical background. No matter how insignificant a task may appear, Becky Tran enjoys the work. Helping decorate the Torrance float has always been a cherished activity. “The best part is seeing it evolve into a giant float,” she said. “I feel really proud gluing all these berries as decoration pieces because I’m doing my part.” Advertisement Among those hitching a ride along Colorado Boulevard on the Torrance float will be recently retired Fire Chief William Racowschi, former firefighter Robert Maag and retired engineer Jim Ellingson. “We’re humbled by our community honoring the fire department,” said interim Fire Chief David Dumais. “We’re just one part of the team within Torrance, and we never expected to be honored in this way. We’re glad we’ll represent the city of Torrance in front of a world audience.” With New Year’s Day fast approaching, the warehouse buzzed with volunteers gluing eucalyptus leaves onto floats and trimming roses Tuesday. “It’s nice at the end, seeing it all come together,” said Caitlin Villalobos, 20. “It’s a rewarding experience.” The Villalobos family dedicates long hours to the float and typically can be found in the warehouse all day and almost all night until the float is ready for its debut to the faithful in Pasadena and the worldwide audience. Roseanne spent most of her morning creating a red winter berry border, outlining and highlighting the front fender of the float’s fire truck. Three hours had passed and she only had about three lines of red berries decorating the fender. “It’s the thrill of the detail,” said the Torrance resident. “On TV you don’t get to see the amount of detail unless there’s a close-up shot, but even then you can’t see it all.” Roseanne prefers spending long hours in the warehouse than bearing the cold, winter morning on parade day. “I just wanted to do the decorating this year,” she said. “It’s what I enjoy doing most. I take a week off work and this is my vacation.” ... (The Daily Breeze)