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Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


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Key Largo Flower Shops

Key Largo FL News

Feb 9, 2017

Gardening: A deadly, contagious palm tree disease

West 75 percent of the coconut palms were destroyed. During the 1960s, the disease and interest in it died out in Key West. It reappeared in 1969 in Key Largo and by 1971 several trees were infected in Coral Gables. Within months the disease had killed a thousand trees in Miami. It had traveled to Broward County by 1972 and to Collier and Martin Counties by 1974. Lethal yellowing has killed nearly all of the “Jamaican Tall” coconut palms in Dade and Broward Counties. But Palm Beach County lost only 30 to 40 percent of their coconut palms due to successful antibiotic injection programs. Resistant coconut varieties have been replanted in these areas and along with the “Jamaican Tall” palms which survived, the tropical atmosphere has been restored to the Florida Keys and the East Coast. The west coast of Florida still has most of its “Jamaican Tall” coconut palms but lethal yellowing is obviously a constant threat to our area. Confirmed cases of the disease have been found in East Naples, Port Royal, and here on Marco Island. This disease also affects many other palm trees. Some of the more common include the Fishtail palm, Cabada palm, Spindle palm, Chinese Fan palm, Canary Island Date palm, Date palm, Senegal Date palm, Chinese Windmill palm and the Christmas palm. Symptoms of lethal yellowing can be confused with other maladies of palm trees including fungal bud rot, nutritional deficiencies, insect or lightening damage. However, here are the four definite symptom stages of lethal yellowing in coconut palms. The first symptom is premature dropping of most or all of the coconuts. This is call... (Marco Eagle)

Dec 30, 2015

Dorothy 'Dot' Schuck, real estate agent who traveled the Intracoastal Waterway

Associates, at which time she and the love of her life, Bill Schuck, spent many years traveling the Intracoastal Waterway from North Carolina to Key Largo, Florida. They traveled abroad their beloved trawler, Sea Nest. These travels were more of an adventure because they were joined by their favorite cruising companions, Charlie and Miffi Williams. Finally, Dot had all the retirement she could take and came back to Margaret Rudd and Associates, where she worked until her death. She and her husband Bill would take frequent breaks on luxury cruises to explore all the warm waters of the Caribbean, the Panama Canal and Belize. They even ventured north to Alaska once and decided they were way more warm sea and sunshine kind of travelers! Her beloved husband, Bill Schuck and her parents, Harley and Marie Waters, preceded her in death. She is survived by her daughters Beverly Eury and husband Tony Eury of Oak Island and Valerie Norwood and special friend Gene Grow of Chesterfield, Virginia. Dot also leaves behind six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. A service to celebrate Dot’s life will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 23 at Peacock-Newnam and White Funeral Services in Southport. The family will receive visitors from 1 to 2 p.m. prior to the service at the same location. Burial will take place immediately after the service at Northwood Cemetery in Southport. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to one of the following: SECU Hospice of Brunswick, 955 Mercy Lane, Bolivia, NC 28422; Matthew’s Ministry, 5149 Fernwood Drive, Southport, NC 28461, or S.O.A.R. Southport/Oak Island Animal Rescue, 3376 St. Charles Place SE, Southport, NC 28461. Please leave online condolences for the family at Peacock-Newnam and White. To view the full list of Port City Daily obituaries, click here.   Brunswick County, Ferrell Real Estate, Margaret Rudd and Associates, Matthew’s Ministry, Northwood Cemetery, Oak Island, Peacock – Newnam & White Funeral Service, S.O.A.R., SECU Hospice House of Brunswick, Southport Comments ... (Port City Daily)