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Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


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Satellite Beach Flower Shops

Beach House Flowers & Gifts

670 S. Patrick Dr
Satellite Beach, FL 32937
(321) 773-6238

Satellite Beach FL News

Jun 2, 2017

Funeral services set for former Readington, Flemington mayor

John Hauck, in 2015.According to his obituary, Hauck is survived by his wife, a son and his longtime companion, James Hauck and Lorrie French of Satellite Beach, Fla.; a son and daughter-in-law, David and Elisa Hauck of Whitehouse; a brother and sister-in-law, Anthony and June Hauck of Frenchtown; a sister, Alexandra Dell Amore of Oil City, Pa.; a sister-in-law, Carol Hauck of Brewster, Mass.; three grandchildren, Danielle, Olivia and Mathew Hauck; and many extended family and friends.Dave Hutchinson may be reached at him on Twitter @DHutch_SL. Find on Facebook. (

Nov 18, 2016

Space Coast Parent November calendar listings

Exploring Down Syndrome Buddy Walk. Register online until Nov. 3 or at walk. Registration is $25 and includes a t-shirt. Visit Satellite Beach Founder’s Day and Marketplace: The event will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at DRS Community Center, 1089 S. Patrick Drive. Includes over 100 craft and specialty vendors, flea market, bake sale, parade of local clubs, groups and organizations, kids activities, and more. Parade begins at 11 a.m. .from DeLaura Middle School in the parking lot off of Jackson Ave. 779-3384. Fabric Collage Journal Playshop: The kids class for ages 9-14 begins at 10 a.m. Saturday at Ruth Funk Center Mezzanine at 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne. Cost is $5. Registration required. 674-8313. Monday, Nov. 7 Teen Advisory Group: Teens in seventh grade and up will meet at 4:30 p.m. Monday at West Melbourne Public Library, 2755 Wingate Blvd. They will discuss upcoming teen programs. 952-4508. Wednesday, Nov. 9 Starlab Planetarium Program: Eastern Florida State College presents the program at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday for children ages 4 and older at Merritt Island Public Library, 1195 N. Courtenay Parkway. Registration required. 455-1369. Read to a Dog: Children ages 6-12 will read to Space Coast Therapy Dogs at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Franklin T. DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.W., Palm Bay. 952-6317. Thursday, Nov. 10 Bingo for Designer Bags: 55+ Club will host the event from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Satellite Beach Civic Center, 565 Cassia Blvd. Chance to win a designer bag. Cost is $12 for members; $15 for nonmembers. Proceeds benefit the 55+ Club. 773-7705. Friday, Nov. 11 Youth Pampering Party: The event will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Lipscomb Community Center, 3316 Monroe St., Melbourne. Includes spa stations featuring lip gloss, manicures, facials, and makeup kits. Cost is $2. 608-7450.   Medium John Rogers will speak about auras at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 15 at Palm Bay Public Library, 1520 Port Malabar Road N.E. Rogers will give small readings if time allows. Admission is free. 952-4519. (Photo: CRAIG RUBADOUX/Space Coast Parent file) Tuesday, Nov. 15 Medium John Rogers: The event begins at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at Palm Bay Public Library, 1520 Port Malabar Road N.E. Rogers will talk about auras and give small readings if time allows. Admission is free. 952-4519. Preschool Olympics: The fun starts at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave., Melb... (Florida Today)

Jul 27, 2016

'Space Coast Parent' August calendar listings

Brevard libraries. Monday, Aug. 1 Read to a Dog: Kids ages 5 and older will meet and read to Space Coast Therapy Dogs at 1 p.m. Monday at Satellite Beach Public Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. 779-4004. Tuesday, Aug. 2 Teen Time: Book talk and tabletop games for kids 12 and older starts at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Satellite Beach Public Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. 779-4004. Friday, Aug. 5 Parents’ Night Out: For kids ages 6-11. Starts at 6 p.m. Friday at Wickham Park Community Center, 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne. Includes games, sports, arts and crafts, and more. Cost is $8 and includes pizza and drink. 608-7490. Saturday, Aug. 6 Kids in the Kitchen: The event will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Melbourne Square Mall, 1700 W. New Haven Ave., Melbourne. The event is part of the Melbourne Square Mall’s Back to School event and will focus on healthy eating and nutrition. Registration of the Kids in the Kitchen event is required. Visit Back to School Drive: The event for students 8-17 will be given back to school supplies from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Grant Street Community Center, 2547 Grant St., Melbourne. Includes backpacks, pens, pencils, notebooks, and more. First come, first serve basis while supply lasts. 608-7460. Back to School Health Fair: The event will be from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 213 Stone St., Cocoa. Includes activities, interact... (Florida Today)

May 3, 2016

Space Coast Parent May calendar

Library, 201 Polk Ave. Admission is free. 868-1101. Tuesday, May 3 Teen Book Club: The club for ages 12 and older will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Satellite Beach Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd.. They will discuss Marvel vs. DC. 779-4004. Wednesday, May 4 Star Wars X-Wings: In celebration of May the 4th Be With You, kids will learn to play with a Star Wars X-Wing at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 1955 West New Haven Ave., West Melbourne. Open to ages 14 and older. 726-9505. Learn to draw: The class for children ages 4 and older starts at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne. Cost is $22 for residents, $24 for nonresidents. Ages 4-6 must be acompanied by an adult. 608-7400. May the 4th Be With You: Children ages 12 and younger will play Star Wars themed games and make crafts at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Franklin DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.W., Palm Bay. Costumes encouraged. 952-6317. FLORIDA TODAY Wedding weight loss and the pressure to be perfect Mother’s Day flower arrangement: Make a Mother’s Day themed flower arrangement from 2 to 5 p. Wednesday at Titusville Public Library. Cost is $15. Register at the library reference desk. Call 264-5026. We Build Wednesday: Kids ages 2 to 12 will build with Lego blocks at 2 p.m. Wednesday at West Melbourne Public Library, 2755 Wingate Blvd. 952-4508. Thursday, May 5 Mommycakes: The event for children ages ... (Florida Today)

Apr 22, 2016

Space Coast Parent April Calendar

April.(Photo: Stock photo) Saturday, April 2 Hook Kids on Fishing: The event will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday at Satellite Beach Sports Park next to the Satellite Beach Public Library at 750 Jamaica Blvd. The first 80 kids who register, will receive a free rod and reel to take home. Open to children ages 6-16. Children must be accompanied by and adult. Registration is required. Call 321-773-6458. Read to a Dog: Kids ages 5-12 will read to Space Coast Therapy Dogs at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Franklin DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.E., Palm Bay. Registration required. 952-6317. Read to a Dog: Children will reach to Space Coast Therapy Dogs at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Central Brevard Library, 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa. Registration required. 633-1792. Wednesday, April 6 Modpodge craft: Teens and adults will make a bookpaper modpodge craft at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Port St. John Public Library, 6500 Carole Ave., Cocoa. 633-1867. Read to a Dog: Children ages 5-12 will read to Space Coast Thearpy Dogs at 3:30 pm. Wednesday at Franklin T. DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.E., Palm Bay. 952-6317. FLORIDA TODAY Satellite Beach couple wowed ... (Florida Today)

Feb 3, 2016

February's Space Coast Parent Calendar

Ave., Melbourne. Cost is $35 for residents; $42 for nonresidents. 255-4608. Teen Book Club: Kids ages 13 and older will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Satellite Beach Public Library, 751 Jamaica Blvd. The will discuss supernatural and monster stories. 779-4004. Wednesday, Feb. 3 DIY craft: Teens ages 13 and older will make duck tape roses and book paper roses at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Port St. John Public Library, 6500 Carole Ave., Cocoa. 633-1867. Read to a Dog: Children ages 5-12 will read to Space Coast Therapy Dogs at 3:30 p.m Tuesday at Franklin DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.E., Bay Bay. 952-6317. We Build Wednesday: The Lego free building starts at 2 p.m. Wednesday at West Melbourne Public Library, 2755 Wingate Blvd., Melbourne. Legos provided. Open to ages 2-12. 952-4508. Thursday, Feb. 4 Irish Step Dance: The class for beginners ages 3.5 and older starts at 4 p.m. Thursday at Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne. Cost is $32-$50 depending on age and area of residence. 255-4608. Kenpo karate classes: The Kenpo karate class for children ages 5-8 starts at 4 p.m.; junior at 5 p.m. followed by advanced at 6 p.m. Thursday at Eau Gallie Civic Center, 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne. Cost is $25 for residents; $30 for nonresidents. 255-4608. Teen program: Teens ages 12-18 will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday at Franklin DeGroodt Public Library, 6475 Minton Road S.E., Palm Bay. 952-6317. Friday, Feb. 5 Tooth Fairy: Children ages 3-5 will listen to a story about ... (Florida Today)