Florists in Nappanee, IN
Find local Nappanee, Indiana florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Nappanee and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Nappanee Flower Shops
401 E Market St
Nappanee, IN 46550
(574) 773-3600
154 S Williams St
Nappanee, IN 46550
(574) 773-4241
1530 East Market Street
Nappanee, IN 46550
(574) 773-3013
Nappanee IN News
Jun 10, 2016Flowers in quilt designs almost ready for Elkhart display
May 30 opening of this year's exhibit.
The Quilt Gardens are free to visit through Oct. 1.
Among the highlights of this year's gardens:
—Nappanee Heritage Center, 302 W. Market St.: The volunteers who plant and maintain this site will be among the first to get their flowers in the ground Wednesday and Thursday. They are planting the 1932 Whirligig pattern.
—Premier Arts, Main and Marion streets, downtown Elkhart: Featuring a 12-foot tall torch created by Elkhart artist Terry Manderfeld, this Quilt Garden will stand out. Made from weather-treated wood, the torch has metallic gold paint and can be lit on special occasions. Inspired by the 1920 Dogwood pattern, the Back Home Again in Indiana garden will be planted May 23 and 24 by students and volunteers of Premier Arts, the theater company of the Lerner Theatre.
—Elkhart County Courthouse, Main Street and Lincoln Avenue, Goshen: The 1906 Goshen pattern will be planted May 25. Located in the heart of historic downtown Goshen, this site will be cared for by volunteers from the Goshen Historical Society.
—The Quilt Gardens connect several Elkhart, Goshen, Nappanee, Middlebury, Bristol, Wakarusa and Shipshewana on the Heritage Trail. Each year, tour groups from around the U.S. an... (Beaumont Enterprise)