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Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


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Florists in Beaverton, MI

Find local Beaverton, Michigan florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Beaverton and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Beaverton Flower Shops

Cardel Specialties Distributing

3376 Birch Lane Drive
Beaverton, MI 48612
(989) 435-3890

Beaverton MI News

Nov 9, 2019

Columbia Sportswear's 'Tough Mother' Gert Boyle dies at 95 - KTVZ

An iconic photo from the campaign, which has her flexing her arm emblazoned with a "Born to Nag" tattoo, still hangs in the company's Beaverton headquarters.Boyle's father founded Columbia after the family fled Nazi Germany and settled in Portland. Her husband took over the business in 1964. When he died, the business took many calls wondering if Columbia would close and the bank urged her to sell the company.Always plucky, she entertained an offer for its sale at the time but told a prospective buyer that for the price they were offering, she'd rather run it into the ground herself.But Columbia flourished under her leadership, and that of her son.While Tim ran the operations as president, Gert Boyle continued to put in 40-hour work weeks well into her 80s and signed every company check.Columbia grew and over the years acquired key brands such as Mountain Hardwear, Pacific Trail and Sorel. The company now sells products in more than 100 countries.She was well-known for her no-nonsense attitude and boisterous personality — quick to offer staff or those nearby a "Gertism" and often a few comments not fit for print.Boyle was the first woman inducted into the National Sporting Goods Hall of Fame and often recognized for her work as a female business leader, including a book on her experience.She had three children with her husband, Neil, who was her college sweetheart. Tim Boyle is president of the company, her daughter Sally runs Portland company Moonstruck Chocolates and her daughter Kathy is an artist.She had five grandchildren.---News release from Columbia Sportswear:Portland-based Columbia Sportswear Co. on Sunday announced the passing of Gert Boyle, the company's well-known chairman of the board and its matriarch for nearly 50 years."Our 'One Tough Mother' held many jobs at Columbia, from seamstress of the first fishing vest to president to advertising icon," a company statement said."Her sharp wit and wisdom helped propel the company from near bankruptcy in the early ‘70s to the global multi-brand company it is today, with annual net sales of almost $3 billion in 2018," the company said. "Her pioneering role as a woman in what was then a male-dominated industry is a testament to her strength of character and ability to persevere through difficult situations.""Gert's humor and busine...

Jun 22, 2019

Homes and gardens events around Portland: Pollinator workshops, garden tours and more -

Registration not required; Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate, 8005 S.W. Grabhorn Road, BeavertonPrinciples of Permaculture: Intro to Plant Guilds: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Explore principles of permaculture for application in rural and urban areas. $10-$30 sliding scale, register at; One Green World Nursery, 6469 S.E. 134th Ave.; or 503-208-7520SUNDAY, JUNE 23McMinnville Garden Club Tour and Faire: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tour five home gardens ($10, children 12 and under free) and enjoy the free faire, featuring vendors of garden art, wearable art, plants, flowers and more. Northeast Cowls Street between First and Third streets, McMinnville; mcminnvillegardenclub.orgMeet Your Pollinators – Bee Safari: 1-3 p.m. Learn about bee identification tips, trapping techniques and specimen preservation. Swallowtail Farm, 31620 N.W. Camp Ireland St., Hillsboro. Register at or call 503-334-2288 TUESDAY, JUNE 25Watercolor Painting Class at Leach Garden: 9:30 a.m.-noon. Explore color mixing, washes, glazing techniques and methods for creating texture. $30 nonmembers, $25 members; Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave. 503-823-1671 or leachgarden.orgReflections on a Residency: Insights to Peace and Understanding: 4-5 p.m. The Portland Japanese Garden’s CEO will share insights and stories from his recent residency in Japan. $15 members, $20 nonmembers; Portland Japanese Garden, 611 S.W. Kingston Ave. japanesegarden.orgSATURDAY, JUNE 29Marquam Nature Park Restoration Work Party: 9 a.m.-noon. Join volunteers on a done-in-a-day project led by a Hands On volunteer leader. Address and directions provided after signup; or 503-200-3355Portland Weird Homes Tour: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Visit eight to 10 one-of-a-kind houses on a self-guided tour that will treat you to some of Oregon’s most creative homes. $30; or Community Science & iNaturalist Workshop: 1-4 p.m. Learn how to use the iNaturalist app to find and record pollinators, birds and plants. $25 nonmembers, $20 members; Leach Botanical Garden, 6704 S.E. 122nd Ave. 503-823-1671 or leachgarden.orgSUNDAY, JUNE 30Working With Leafcutter Bees – Hands-on Workshop: Noon-2 p.m. Learn about creating bee-friendly habitat, lifecycles and nesting strategies of leafcutter bees. Cornelius Public Library, 1370 N. Adair St. Register at or call 503-334-2288SATURDAY, JULY 6Creating Food Forests: 10:30 a.m.-noon. The Preservation Beekeeping Council (PBC) offers a free progra...

Mar 29, 2019

Spring gardening events: Trillium Festival, work parties and plant sales -

April 27. Learn basic woodworking techniques and leave with a completed project. $15-$35 includes all materials; 11773 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, Beaverton. More details and links to register at, MARCH 30Marquam Nature Park Restoration Work Party: 9 a.m.-noon. Join volunteers on a done-in-a-day project led by a Hands On volunteer leader. Address and directions provided after sign up; or 503-200-3355Friends of Baltimore Woods Annual Native Plant Sale: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Pacific Northwest plants. To volunteer, email Sale, St. Johns Plaza, 7340 N. Philadelphia Ave., friendsofbaltimorewoods.orgMason Bees Workshop: 10:30 a.m.-noon. Master gardener Vione Graham leads an introductory workshop on pollination, life cycle, habitat and protection. Washougal Community Library, 1661 C St.; no registration necessary; 360-397-6060, ext. 5738 or email MONDAY, APRIL 1Tree Time! Preschool Walk - Decomposers: 10-11:30 a.m. These walks geared for ages 2-6 introduce children to the wonders of nature and encourage exploration of plants, streams, bugs and wildlife. Walks are led by an arboretum naturalist, who will read a story and help with a craft to take home. $5 per child; Hoyt Arboretum, 4000 S.W. Fairview Blvd.; or 503-865-8733Container Gardening Workshop: 4-5:30 p.m. Learn how to apply garden design concepts and color principles to garden containers. Bring a small vase and garden clippers for a bouquet design exercise. Three Creeks Community Library, 800-C N.E. Tenney Road, Vancouver; email or call 564-397-...

Jun 8, 2017

Flowers planted

Community volunteers planted flowers along M-18 and other locations throughout Beaverton on Saturday, May 20. A number of individuals, clubs and organizations took part including the Beaverton High School National Honors Society, Master Gardener Club and Girl Scouts. This is a project of the Beaverton Downtown Development Authority. #ndn-video-player-3.ndn_embedded .ndn_floatContainer { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }... (Gladwin County Record & Beaverton Clarion )

Jun 2, 2017

Memorial Day 2017: Portland-area events honor service, sacrifice

Afghan-Iraqi Freedom Memorial, 700 Summer Street N.E. Event includes keynote speaker Wendell Pelham, father of Spc. John Pelham, a graduate of Beaverton's Sunset High School who was killed in 2014 in Afghanistan. Organized by Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs.Willamette National Cemetery, Portland: 10 to 11 a.m., 11800 S.E. Mt. Scott Blvd., Portland. Live music, flyover, keynote speaker. Organized by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.Korean War Veterans Memorial, Willamette National Cemetery, Portland: 11 a.m. to noon, 11800 S.E. Mt. Scott Blvd. Organized by The Chosin Few, Oregon Chapter.Vietnam Memorial, Washington Park: 8 to 11 a.m., 4001 S.W. Canyon Road, Portland. Organized by Vietnam Veterans of Oregon Memorial Fund.Veterans Memorial Park, Beaverton: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Southwest Seventh Street and Southwest Watson Avenue. Flyovers, band, speakers, POW/MIA ceremony, rifle and cannon volleys. Organized by American Legion Beaverton Post 124.Zion Memorial Cemetery, Canby: 11 a.m. to noon May 29, 2010 S. Township Road. Ceremony featuring Oregon Sen. Alan Olsen. Organized by American Legion Post 122.Heroes Memorial, Gresham: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. May 29, West Powell Boulevard (U.S. 26) and Southeast Roberts Avenue. Service for fallen service members. Organized by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 180.Washington County Veterans Memorial, Hillsboro: 10 to 11 a.m., Nort... (

Apr 27, 2017

'He lived for today': Friends and family remember chiropractor killed by fallen tree limb

Ronald Kibert's friends used to say he'd live to be 100.And he'd spend those days in motion. The Beaverton chiropractor zigzagged the nation for professional conferences, where he'd spend days learning in lectures and nights listening to live music. He was an avid dancer and reader. Even at age 67, he was full of energy."He lived for today," longtime friend Lee Kennedy said. "He didn't let a day go by without doing something."Kibert was killed April 7 after windstorms blew loose a tree limb that struck him in his Garden Home yard, his family said. The Washington County Sheriff's Office said he was found unconscious, and he died from his injuries at Oregon Health and Science University.Friends, family and patients from Kibert's nearly 40 years as a chiropractor filled his memorial service at Opal 28 last weekend. The crowd couldn't fit into the building and spilled out on to the patio and sidewalk, said Carmen Kirby, Kibert's partner of 15 years.His daughter, Brynn, described her father as a colorful personality."He liked having fun in his life," Brynn said. "He just seemed joyful. (