Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Bridgman, MI

Find local Bridgman, Michigan florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Bridgman and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Bridgman Flower Shops

The Sandpiper

4217 Lake St
Bridgman, MI 49106
(269) 465-5936

Bridgman MI News

Jul 27, 2017

Arrest made after flowers swiped from grave

BRIDGMAN — Putting security cameras in a Lake Township cemetery has paid off with the arrest of a Three Oaks woman for allegedly stealing flowers from a grave, the township reported.Township Clerk Gloria Payne said Baroda-Lake Township Police have issued an appearance ticket to Liliana Martinez, allegedly caught on camera June 25 stealing flowers from Graceland Cemetery along Red Arrow Highway, north of Bridgman. Subscription Required An online service is needed to view this article in its entirety. You need an online service to view this article in its entirety. Choose an online service. Current print subscribers Need an account? Create one now. You must login to view the full content on this page.Thank you for reading 4 free articles on our site. You can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 4 free articles, or you... (Herald Palladium)

Dec 30, 2015

Pinecrest High School Honor Roll

Wright, Samara Ashley Wright, Shion York, Philipp Rowan Ziems Grade 11: Jordan Leanna Blake, Lauryn Kay Blakely, Ashley Victoria Bloom, Erin Karleen Bridgman, Jada Brown, Seth Steven Caddell, Genesha Campbell, Hannah Joy Causey, Celia Lynn Chervenak, Molly Elisabeth Cockerel, Benjamin Clayton Cooper, Kyle Michael Cooper, Alicia Lynn Cox, Bryce Davis, Jordana Hailey Fields, Andrielle Elisabeth Finch, Isabel Grace Friesen, Johnathan Aaron Garner, Allyssa Jill Ginther, Miranda June Glyder, Margaret Carson Honeycutt, Charlotte Louise Ix, Isaac Christopher Johnson, Kate Blackwell Kilpatrick, Lucy Anne Kimbell, Gabrielle Renee Kinney, Kylie Sheridan Kreitlow, Kaitlyn Milana June Kubla, Rebecca Ashley LaFell, Noah R Lawson, Tamaya Yasmeene Leak, Alexis Rejeanne Lopiccolo, Madison Christine Maness, Zachary Adam Martinez, Zachariah Jay McCarty, Nicholas Trent McKay, Kylie Elaine McLaughlin, Katherine Maclean McVay, George Franklin Morris, Elizabeth Laura Lan Nguyen, Liam Patrick Nowicki, Samantha Anne Oakes, Aaron Paul Ott, Kaleigh Peterson, Maegan Raye Pigg, Henry Robert Pitts, Jaxon Edward Richardson, Maximilian Christopher Richgruber, Mattie Rose, Joana Ruiz Bustos, Sarah Elaine Sayce, Jenna R. Schoolcraft, Samuel Michael Shutt, Emma Lynne Smits, Paul Augustus Snyder, Emily Nicole Spain, Victor Channing Thompson, Nicole Elizabeth Tomanelli, Dylan Sullivan Turello, Alexander Jacob Tyner, Alyssa Marie Veit, Mackenzie Caroline Walker, Natalie Warner, Sarah Nicole Webster, Luke Christopher Wheeler, Matthew David Wheeler, Jennifer Lauren Whitehorn, Nicholas Aaron Williams, Oscar Rey Ybarra Grade 10: Caroline Rose Anderson, Nicole Elizabeth Barnes, Delaney Carole Bayless, Joshua Jordan Beckett, Essence Da-Lashia Bell, Connor J. Berry, Kathryn Nicole Blevins, James Isaac Boisselle, Chloe Brown, Brianna Tearsah Brugueras, Stephanie Leigh Burt, Caroline Mae Buss, Lauren Olivia Butler, Christopher Save Byrd, Darryl Adonis Byrd, Hailey Nicole Campbell, Joseph Lewis Capstaff, Kelly Anne Clark, Howard Wynston Coe, Annelise Marden Collins, TyNasha Amonie Collins, Daniel Jay Coman, Benjamin Dawson Crow, Madelyn Louise Davey-Hand, Aubrey Maxine Davidson, Nicholas Christopher DiMarco, Raegan Leigh Dixon, Kei'Shjuana Z Dowd, Anirejuoritse Benedict Egbe, Keyon Ellerbe, Emily Victoria Ettrich, Matthew Donald Everett, Alexys Gabriella Ewing, Michelle Fernandez Cruz, Gabrielle E. Flanders, Maggie Elizabeth Flowers, Madelyn Latham Foster, Joshua Martin Fulghum, Ryan C. Gagnon, Baylee Carpenter Gaskins, Kenston Da'Quan Gillespie, Peyton Gregory Grant, Dylan Edward Gray, Brennan Kenneth Hamilton, Kennedy Jeanell Hepfner, Samuel Ridge Herman, Kathryn M. Hill, Sylvia Camille Hipp, Benjamin Jeffrey Hollrah, Katelynne Eleanor Horton, Brent Renken Hoshall, Connor James Jenkins, Larson Cross Jenkins, Ariel Christina Jimenez, Courtney Nicole Jingle, Kathryn Ellen Jones, Morgan Hunt Jones, Macie Renee Kavanaugh, Nicholas Michael Kepa, Nicholas Klug, Emma Gentry Landry, Haley Jean Ledford, Karenna Grace Levin, Gary Lin, Jessica Yessenia Lopez Gonzalez, Matthew Dennis Mabe, Connor Lee McKenzie, Andrew Blake Millikan, Cristian Hernandez Mondragon, Miriam Arellano Morales... (Southern Pines Pilot)