Florists in Gladstone, MI
Find local Gladstone, Michigan florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Gladstone and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Gladstone Flower Shops
Gladstone MI News
Apr 27, 2019The floral industry has a bad environmental track record. The 'slow flower' movement aims to change that - The Globe and Mail
One group decorated the entry of Toronto’s Gladstone Hotel with a lavish spray of hydrangea, gladiolas, roses and more. On Salt Spring Island in B.C., environmental artist Ingrid Koivukangas created a giant sunflower spiral on her 10-acre flower farm and in Nelson, B.C., two women transformed an alleyway into a floral/foraged retreat. Story continues below advertisement “We put a sign on Main Street and told people there was a surprise for them just a few metres away,” says Sarah Kistner, owner of Stone Meadow Gardens who created the elaborate installation called Field, Farm and Forest: A Celebration of the Canadian Landscape, with florist Kyla Jakovickas of Bellaflora Floral Design in Nelson, B.C. 'Floristry is big business worldwide and it’s hard to get people to rethink their ways,' says Natasa Kajganic, a member of the team behind Canadian Flowers Week. Prairie Girl Flowers Kistner used everything from blackberries, broom corn, wheat, amaranth, dahlias, grasses and chestnut pods in the installation. “Most of them don’t realize the variety of flowers that we can grow here. They see things on Pinterest and assume that’s what they have to have,” she says. “We showed them that Canadian-grown can be a very good thing, and maybe even more interesting.” Flowers have long been used as powerful symbols of change. In the 1960s and early 70s, Flower Power was a rallying cry for passive resistance. In 2015, a decrepit house in Detroit, which became known as Flower House, was filled with 4,000 blooms to show that abandoned properties blighting neighbourhoods could be put to far more productive uses. And two years ago, in New York, floral designer Lewis Miller used eye-popping “Flower Flashes” to raise awareness of the vast amount of waste in his industry. Using hundreds of blooms leftover from events, Miller created flower pop-ups in garbage cans, on sewer grates and over statues in Central Park. His message: reuse and recycle. Organizers of the first annual Canadian Flowers Week came up with innovative ways to grab peoples’ attention, wowing them with blooms in unexpected places. Rachel Ryall/Toronto Flower Market Two female entrepreneurs – one in Canada, the other in New York – have built businesses around flower event waste. ReBloom Flower Recycling – in Calgary and Toront...
Nov 24, 2016Holiday CraftMorristown Includes Over 25 Artists from New Jersey
Laurie Olefson (Fair Haven); colorful hand-blown, glass vases, tumblers and flowers by Rising Star award winner Jake Pfeifer (Gladstone); hand-built, porcelain bowls and mugs featuring whimsical animal imagery by Marguerite Brennan (Summit); lovingly made hand-stitched mermaid, bunny and bear dolls by Alisa Ryan (Metuchen); mosaic home décor by Hollie Graze (North Bergen); neutral toned, modern women’s clothing for all shapes and sizes by Lora Oracheva (Lodi); carved and painted wooden bowls by Bruce Perlmutter (Red Bank); sophisticated shearling vests, wraps and jackets by Lewis Rafel (Newark) and deconstructed architectural rings, earrings and necklaces by Michael Alexander (Bergen). A full list of Holiday CraftMorristown artists is available at EXPERIENCESHoliday CraftMorristown is not just great shopping, but also a great place to watch and participate in demonstrations. Patricia Disantis will be hosting make-your-own Shibumi scarf workshops during the entire show; Kathleen Petronziowill be weaving her signature baskets; Devin Mack will be hand forming wire sculptures right in front of your eyes and Dan Williams will allow you to play his unique string instruments.Sign Up for E-NewsDETAILSVisitors will enjoy the rare opportunity to meet visionary artists and purchase their latest work. There will be something for everyone at Holiday CraftMorristown, from the collector, art enthusiast and discerning shopper to the imaginative holiday gift giver. The show includes one-of-a-kind and limited edition jewelry; fashion and accessories; furniture, and home décor pieces; as well as functional and sculptural work in ceramics, glass, metal, painting, photography, wood and mixed media. Visitors should make sure to...
Feb 3, 2016Ottawa painter Nicole Allen finds inspiration in nature's beauty
Nicole Allen of The Loft Artists Studio on Gladstone Avenue paints with colour and gusto: predominantly big flowers and big rocks, as well as small canvases of birds. Slender and fine featured, she in many ways, resembles the delicate birds she paints.
Raised by parents who encouraged her gift, she found her thirst for painting at age five, when her dad, Don Moore, helped her paint a cardinal — a canvas that still hangs in her living room. Allen remembers painting side by side with her father — a chiropractor, talented hobby painter and avid fly fisherman — on their family’s dock at their Muskoka cottage. To this day, the rugged, textured landscapes of the picturesque wilderness north of Toronto speak to her.
Nicole Allen’s impressionistic painting are colourful and bold with subjects ranging from birds to delicate flowers. Wayne Cuddington / Ottawa Citizen
“I am constantly inspired and intrigued by colour and the moods that certain combinations evoke,” says the mother of two who runs, practises yoga and enjoys drinking scotch with her husband on their balcony by the light of the moon. “Technically, I am always striving for a balance of the organ... (Ottawa Citizen)
Dec 30, 2015Van Gladstone Miller
Van Gladstone Miller was born on July 23, 1948, the son of Blaine and Verda (Bricker) Miller, a prominent Orange Township farm family. His grandfather’s name was on the cornerstone of Orange School as one of the original township board members. Van graduated from Orange High School in 1966, then attended Ellsworth Community College and the University of Northern Iowa. He served in the U.S. Army as a medic, and was renowned for his ability to administer gentle vaccinations, suture with precision and painlessly remove splinters. It was there he developed a dislike for blind bureaucracy and structured management, which helped shape his philosophy on running his companies.
Van tried farming, hated it, then sold cemetery lots, markers and insurance policies before “apprenticing” at the now-defunct Waterloo Sickroom Supply, where he started out cleaning bathrooms, scrubbing floors and delivering equipment. Van founded Miller Medical Supply, a full-line home medical equipment store, which grew in... (Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier)
Nov 27, 2015Zinnia expands delivery into Kansas City
Kansas City Flower Company.
Kansas City Flower Company will be opening its first florist/coffee shop storefront at The St. Francis at 300 Gladstone Blvd, northeast of downtown, in early December. But for now, the company has beta tested the fulfillment process with Zinnia and is ready to fill orders.
Since leaving Straight, Shot Zinnia has seen steady growth. They did around 60 sales in September.
“We had a big jump in September, and now it’s picking up again in November,” said Andy Holz, co-founder of Zinnia. “We’re still new. Any data we have is probably not statistically significant.”
After Thanksgiving Zinnia plans to offer special holiday arrangements.
Ryan Pendell is the Managing Editor of Silicon Prairie News.
(Silicon Prairie News)