Florists in Newberry, MI
Find local Newberry, Michigan florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Newberry and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Newberry Flower Shops
Newberry MI News
Jan 25, 2019Annual Aiken Camellia Show fills downtown church with flowers - Aiken Standard
The Aiken Camellia Society will hold its annual auction at 7 p.m. March 14 at St. John's United Methodist Church, 104 Newberry St. in downtown Aiken.
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Mar 23, 2017Home and Garden events
Gardeners: “Bee Aware: The Importance of Pollinators in Your Garden,” 10 a.m. April 1. Free and open to public. Lake Park Community Room, 3133 E. Newberry Blvd. Plant Sale. May 20.Urban Ecology Centers: Provide year-round educational programs for kids, families and adults of all ages that foster ecological understanding and provide outdoor science education at three locations: Riverside Park, 1500 E. Park Place, (414) 964-8505; Washington Park, 1859 N. 40th St., (414) 344-5460; and Menomonee Valley, 3700 W. Pierce St., (414) 431-2940.Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum: Friends of Villa Terrace 2017 Garden Lecture Series, 7 p.m. Each lecture $20 member/ $25 nonmember. All dates $90 member/ $115 nonmembers. 2220 N. Terrace Ave. (262) 242-6095; Your Garden Space. March 29.Unique Conifers. April 12.Flowers in Art. April 26Horticultural Inspirations. May 10.Continuous Bloom. May 24.Waukesha County Technical College: Hands-on noncredit personal enrichment courses. Classes held at 327 E. Broadway, Waukesha. (262) 691-5578; Herb Gardening. May 13. $38.70.Wehr Nature Center: Maple Sugar Days fea... (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Apr 22, 2016Grandal's double in 10th gives Dodgers 2-1 win over Braves
Mets. He hasn't beaten New York since Aug. 9, 2010, while with the Astros.
Follow Paul Newberry on Twitter at . His work can be found at .
© 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(The Baytown Sun)
Apr 22, 2016Autopsy begins to determine Prince cause of death
He looked like Prince," he said. "The whole point of the show on Saturday was to show he was doing all right."
Associated Press writers Paul Newberry in Atlanta, and Kevin Burbach and Doug Glass in Minneapolis contributed to this report, along with AP researcher Rhonda Shafner in New York.
(Fairbanks Daily News-Miner)
Apr 22, 2016Despite 10 hits off Kershaw, Braves lose to Dodgers in 10th
Mets. He hasn't beaten New York since Aug. 9, 2010, while with the Astros.
Follow Paul Newberry on Twitter at . His work can be found at .
(The San Luis Obispo Tribune)
Feb 2, 2016Purwilla “Pug” M. Weideman
Born May 11, 1927 in Watertown, NY, daughter of Ambrose T. and Hazel D. (Coscomb) Canaan, she attended Watertown schools.
She worked as a clerk at Newberry’s Department Store and other Watertown retailers until her marriage. She married Eugene E. Weideman of Ravenna, Ohio on November 24, 1949 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Watertown.
Following their marriage, the couple resided in Ravenna, Ohio from 1949 and returned to Watertown in 1950. Upon returning to Watertown she worked part time at the Watertown Roller Rink until 1959 when the couple moved to Brownville. Pug worked for the General Brown Central School district for almost 30 years. Starting in 1964, she was a lunch room cashier and monitor at the Brownville Elementary School and then joined the custodial staff at the General Brown High School in 1977 where she was a favorite of both teachers and students. She finally retired in 1993.
For more than 15 years, she was the director of the Village of Brownville playground program where she became the daytime “Mom” for more than 60 village kids every day for six weeks during summer breaks.
Pug was also known for her many cake creations that graced local weddings, showers, birthday parties, and other special occasions. Her other interests included arts and crafts and painting.
She moved to Potsdam in 1994 and resided with her daughter, Rebecca, until her death.
She is survived b... (