Florists in Oakes, ND
Find local Oakes, North Dakota florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Oakes and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Oakes Flower Shops
Oakes ND News
Mar 9, 2017Worldwide love of gardening: Resident has planted flowers from Germany to Maine to Palm Beach
Florida on advice of their children’s doctor because of all the seasonal illnesses during the brutal Maine winters. Lou’s aunt, Lady Eunice Oakes, helped them find a home on Palm Beach and introduced them to islanders.“When I got here, I fell in love with crotons. I’d never seen them before — all those different varieties,” she said.She began learning how to grow tropical plants, thanks to fellow members of the Garden Club.“Because I had been around gardening all my life, I caught on quickly,” she said.Her favorite flower today is the rose brush that Joanie Van der Grift gave her, which now flourishes in front of her house.“They last a week inside in my vase,” she said. “I hadn’t realized that roses would grow here because of the salt air.”*Lifelong gardener Kaki Holt has written extensively about horticulture for a variety of local and state publications. Additionally, she has spearheaded the founding of school garden clubs throughout Palm Beach County. A certified Master Gardener, she is a member of Garden Writers of America. Email her at (Palm Beach Daily News)
Jan 8, 2016Earline Burgess
Bank Trust Department, died Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at her residence in Lynnville.
Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 1:00 P.M. at Oakes &Nichols Funeral Home with Milton Stephens officiating. Burial will follow in Lynnwood Cemetery. The family will visit with friends Saturday from 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. at the funeral home.
The family suggests memorials to Lynnwood Cemetery, P. O. Box 305, Lynnville, TN 38472 or Lynnville Church of Christ, P. O. Box 112, Lynnville, TN 38472. Condolences may be extended online at
The Giles County native was the daughter of the late Owen Ashton and Wilma Gregg Ashton. On July 2, 1950 she married Myron Goodrum Burgess, Jr. who preceded her in death July 5, 2008. She was a graduate of Jones High School in Lynnville. Mrs. Burgess’ life was enriched with diverse hobbies including growing wonderful tomatoes, flower gardening, cooking and sewing. Her greatest joy was spending time with her grandchildren and great grandchildren whom she loved dearly. She was a member of Lynnville Church of Christ.
Survivors include her sons, Travis &Debbie Burgess of Florence, Alabama; Keith &Lisa Burgess of Lewisburg; David &Donna Burge... (Columbia Daily Herald)
Dec 30, 2015Pinecrest High School Honor Roll
McKay, Kylie Elaine McLaughlin, Katherine Maclean McVay, George Franklin Morris, Elizabeth Laura Lan Nguyen, Liam Patrick Nowicki, Samantha Anne Oakes, Aaron Paul Ott, Kaleigh Peterson, Maegan Raye Pigg, Henry Robert Pitts, Jaxon Edward Richardson, Maximilian Christopher Richgruber, Mattie Rose, Joana Ruiz Bustos, Sarah Elaine Sayce, Jenna R. Schoolcraft, Samuel Michael Shutt, Emma Lynne Smits, Paul Augustus Snyder, Emily Nicole Spain, Victor Channing Thompson, Nicole Elizabeth Tomanelli, Dylan Sullivan Turello, Alexander Jacob Tyner, Alyssa Marie Veit, Mackenzie Caroline Walker, Natalie Warner, Sarah Nicole Webster, Luke Christopher Wheeler, Matthew David Wheeler, Jennifer Lauren Whitehorn, Nicholas Aaron Williams, Oscar Rey Ybarra
Grade 10: Caroline Rose Anderson, Nicole Elizabeth Barnes, Delaney Carole Bayless, Joshua Jordan Beckett, Essence Da-Lashia Bell, Connor J. Berry, Kathryn Nicole Blevins, James Isaac Boisselle, Chloe Brown, Brianna Tearsah Brugueras, Stephanie Leigh Burt, Caroline Mae Buss, Lauren Olivia Butler, Christopher Save Byrd, Darryl Adonis Byrd, Hailey Nicole Campbell, Joseph Lewis Capstaff, Kelly Anne Clark, Howard Wynston Coe, Annelise Marden Collins, TyNasha Amonie Collins, Daniel Jay Coman, Benjamin Dawson Crow, Madelyn Louise Davey-Hand, Aubrey Maxine Davidson, Nicholas Christopher DiMarco, Raegan Leigh Dixon, Kei'Shjuana Z Dowd, Anirejuoritse Benedict Egbe, Keyon Ellerbe, Emily Victoria Ettrich, Matthew Donald Everett, Alexys Gabriella Ewing, Michelle Fernandez Cruz, Gabrielle E. Flanders, Maggie Elizabeth Flowers, Madelyn Latham Foster, Joshua Martin Fulghum, Ryan C. Gagnon, Baylee Carpenter Gaskins, Kenston Da'Quan Gillespie, Peyton Gregory Grant, Dylan Edward Gray, Brennan Kenneth Hamilton, Kennedy Jeanell Hepfner, Samuel Ridge Herman, Kathryn M. Hill, Sylvia Camille Hipp, Benjamin Jeffrey Hollrah, Katelynne Eleanor Horton, Brent Renken Hoshall, Connor James Jenkins, Larson Cross Jenkins, Ariel Christina Jimenez, Courtney Nicole Jingle, Kathryn Ellen Jones, Morgan Hunt Jones, Macie Renee Kavanaugh, Nicholas Michael Kepa, Nicholas Klug, Emma Gentry Landry, Haley Jean Ledford, Karenna Grace Levin, Gary Lin, Jessica Yessenia Lopez Gonzalez, Matthew Dennis Mabe, Connor Lee McKenzie, Andrew Blake Millikan, Cristian Hernandez Mondragon, Miriam Arellano Morales, Anahi Morales-Maldonado, Jordan Blake Moss, Suzanne Gail Nahra, Jack Thomas Nixon, Katelyn Ashley Ochoa, Courtney Leigh Olvey, John Patrick Parris, Megan Nicole Petero, Jason David Putman, Charlize Tilib Quindara, Pedro Damian Ramos-Torres, Claudia Jane Ray, Matthew John Roberson, Charles E. Russell, Hailey Sales, Paul Vincent Sartorelli, Ziniqua Saunders, Ethan Ross Schneiderman, Fortuna C Schrank, Ryan Scribner, Sofie Rose Sorenson, Jenna Christine Stockwell, Ashley Nicole Stout, Eric Timothy Thompson, Jadyn Verner, Kristiana Marie Wade, Katie Jeannie Warren, Bryanna D Washington, Alicia Elaine Williams, Hunter Jameson Wood, Jonathan Leanzie Worthy, Jack Frederick Ziercher
Grade 9: Isabella Rose Arnot, Caroline Claire Baker, Symon Gabriel Balbin, Parker Flynn Barber, Brianna Pamela Beadell, Marissa Kinsley Best, Jacob Stephen Bialer, Alexander Eric Blake, Rebekah Kate Bowles, Emory Allison Bradley, Madelaine Elizabeth Bradley, Anna-Grace Brammer, Carolina Bravo-Garcia, Caroline Kate Brewton, Larcie Ann Britt, Emily Nicole Carlson, Alexa Cecelia Castro Giovanni, Joseph John Cimadamore, Briana Destiny Clark, Zachary Reid Clark, Keeley Alexis Copper, William Bennett Crouch, Evan Robert Dewars, Brianna Nicole Diaz, Maya Manubhai DiFrischia, John Scott Donoghue, Brooklyn Faith Doorey, Sarah Rose Dorrel, Hunter Thomas Ferguson, Keegan Angelina Foyles, Zachary William Furie, Catherine Deborah Goodman, Chloe Annette Graham, Jada A Graham, Hannah Elizabeth Gulley, Morgan Elise Haase, Anna Katharina Hagedorn, Allyson Cordelia Harvel, Cameron Michael Henderson, Emily Rachel Herbst, John Robert Hildebrand, Jordan Leigh Hunt, L'Asia Monee' Jackson, Corbyn Alexander Karshner, Brooklyn Caroline Kuhn,... (Southern Pines Pilot)