Birthday Flowers

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Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


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Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Meadville, PA

Find local Meadville, Pennsylvania florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Meadville and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Meadville Flower Shops

Cobblestone Cottage And Gardens Llc

828 N Cottage St
Meadville, PA 16335
(814) 683-5252

Meadville PA News

May 1, 2020

12 Native Flowers Are Easy from Seed -

If you need to buy in bulk, try in Meadville, Pennsylvania, which carries some regional ecotypes.Don’t forget to search the online catalogs of Connecticut seed companies, which also feature a wide variety of native plant seeds:,, and Finally, if you want to check the native status of any plant, visit and enter the common or botanical name. Are you ready for success with seeds? You’ll love the results from these 12 native flowers, and so will your fellow creatures.Be Sure to Get the Right OnesIn the order they appeared in this article, here are 12 natives to sow directly into prepared soil. Be sure to check the botanical names, both genus and species, to get the plants described in this article.• Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)• Spotted bee balm (Monarda punctata)• Partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)• Wreath goldenrod (Solidago caesia)• Downy goldenrod (Solidago puberula)• White wood aster (Eurybia divaricata)• White snakeroot (Ageratina altissima)• Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)• Orange forget-me-not, a.k.a jewelweed (Impatiens capensis)• Common violet (Viola soraria)• White yarrow, (Achillea millefolium)• Anise hyssop, (Agastache foeniculum) Kathy Connolly is a writer and speaker on horticulture, landscape design, and ecology from Old Saybrook. Reach her by email or join her newsletter through her website

May 18, 2016

Sue Scholz: Garden club plant sales abound this weekend

May 21, 8:30 a.m., Circle K, 830 Route 19 N, Waterford. Call Cindy Matta, 602-0866. - Crawford County Master Gardeners: May 28, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Meadville Downtown Mall, 920 Water St., Meadville. Call Linda Ruggerio, 814-350-7748. - Edinboro Town and Country Garden Club: May 28, 9 a.m. to noon, Route 99 between Walker Brothers and Giant Eagle, Edinboro. Call Ellen Howell, 630-917-3098. - Tom Ridge Environmental Center: June 4, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., 301 Peninsula Drive. Native plants only. Call Jen Salem, 835-3056.   Goodell Gardens and Homestead event Beneficial Bugs, Sunday, 3 p.m. Learn how to attract beneficial bugs to your garden with Jessica Walliser, the well-known garden expert from Pittsburgh. She wrote a new book: "Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control." Cost: $10, nonmembers; $5, student, individual or family-level membership; free, contributor, patron or benefactor-level membership. Register at Goodell Gardens and Homestead is located at 221 Waterford St., Edinboro. Visit or call 734-6699.   L.E.A.F. event Little Leaves -- Spring flowers, Monday, 10 a.m., L.E.A.F. Education Center. Movement, stories and art for ages 5 and younger accompanied by an adult. $2 per child for children 2 and older. Free for members and children younger than 2. No preregistration required. L.E.A.F. Education Center is located at 1501 W. Sixth St. Visit, call 453-5323 or e-mail   Asbury Woods garden programs Build your own rain barrel, May 21, 2 p.m., Brown's Farm. All supplies are included. Cost: $45, members; $55, nonmembers. Gardening to attract butterflies, May 25, 7 p.m., Nature Center. Learn how to attract butterflies and their caterpillars to your garden. Participants will make their own hanging butterfly feeder. Cost: $5, members; $7 nonmembers. Asbury Woods Nature Center is located at 4105 Asbury Road. Call 835-5356 or visit Garden club meetings Albion Garden and Civic Club, Tuesday, 6 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, E. State St., Albion. Spring clean up. On May 21 at 9:30 a.m. flowers will be planted at the memorial. Call Sue Mihalak, 756-4404. Westminster Garden Club, Tuesday, 1:30 a.m., Hoss's Steak and Sea House, 3300 W. 26th St. Master Gardener Theresa Letkiewicz with talk on Farming Community Heritage. Call Eileen Ropelewski, 454-0739. Glenwood Association Gardeners Club, Thursday, 7 p.m., 4716 Homeland Blvd. The topic is organic fertilizers. Call Sue Barry, 323-3188. Cambridge Garden Club, May 26, 7 p.m., 158 McClellan St., Cambridge Springs. Beekeeper Ronda Calomino will talk about honeybees. Call Sandy Moraski, 528-7748. SUE SCHOLZ is a member of Presque Isle Garden Club. Send garden news to (

Apr 28, 2016

Find a bouquet full of things to do in Erie in May

Cost: Free.   LAUGH/RIOT NEW WORKS FESTIVAL AND DIRECTING CLASS SHORTS: Sunday, May 1, 2:30 p.m.; Diebold Center for the Performing Arts, 217 Meadville St., Edinboro University. Cost: $10; $3, Edinboro students; $5, faculty, staff, and non-Edinboro students. Info:   EDINBORO UNIVERSITY SINGERS AND CHORALE CONCERT: Sunday, May 1, 3 p.m.; Louis C. Cole Auditorium, Memorial Hall, 205 Meadville St., Edinboro University. Cost: Free. Info:   2 'Artistry for the Health of Children' EVENT: Monday-Friday, May 2-6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Erie Shriners Ambulatory Surgery Center and Outpatient Specialty Care Center, 1645 W. Eighth St.; hosted by Photographic Arts Society of NW Pennsylvania; benefits Erie Shriners. Cost: Free admission. Info:,   Rhyming Dust Bunnies: Monday, May 2, or Saturday, May 7, 10:30-11:30 a.m.; Experience Children's Museum, 420 French St.; art, science, language and math early learning activities for children 2-5 years old with an adult. Cost: $11; $8, members; preregistration required. Info: 453-3743.   3 'THE CREATIVES ARE GETTING RESTLESS' ART SHOW: Tuesday-Thursday, May 3-5, noon-7 p.m., and Friday, May 6, noon-3 p.m.; Bruce Gallery, Doucette Hall, 215 Meadville St., Edinboro University; exhibition of Edinboro students' works. Cost: Free. Info:   4 Intro to Volunteering at the Nature Center: Wednesday, May 4, 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Audubon Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown, N.Y.; for people interested in volunteering or new volunteers. Cost: Free; reservations requested by May 2. Info: (716) 569-2345,   5 Erie Jr. Philharmonic ENSEMBLE CONCERT: Thursday, May 5, 7 p.m.; Hirt Auditorium, Blasco Library, 160 E. Front St. Cost: Free. Info: 455-1375.   Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: Thursday, May 5, 5-8 p.m.; Pilot House, 1 Holland St.; more than 20 unique art pieces from local artists, food, music, more; benefits Erie D.A.W.N. Cost: $35. Info: 453-5921.   Gardening and Cookbook sale: Thursday, May 5, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, May 6, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Admiral Room, Blasco Library, 160 E. Front St. Cost: Free admission. Info: 454-6770.   Erie Dawn Annual Spring Celebration: Thursday, May 5, 5-8 p.m.; Pilot House, 1 Holland St.; Cinco de Mayo Celebration, art auction, more. Cost: $35. Info: 453-5921.   West Lake Fire Department Luncheon: Thursd... (

Apr 22, 2016

Gardeners create floral designs on the fly

Crawford County's office has moved to a new location. An open house will be held on Monday, from 3 to 7 p.m. at 1099 Morgan Village Road, Suite A, Meadville. The public is invited to meet the staff, tour the new facility and see what programs are being offered. Light refreshments will be served.   Master gardener seminar The Penn State Extension Erie County master gardeners are sponsoring a spring gardening seminar on April 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It will be at Penn State Behrend's McGarvey Commons Auditorium at Reed Hall, 4701 College Drive. Nationally known garden expert and author Kerry Ann Mendez will speak on "The Right-Sized Flower Garden." Local experts will also speak. Henry Rafferty, of Johnston's Evergreen Nursery, will speak on "Catching up on Conifers." Josh Skarzenski, of Stan's Garden Center, will talk about "Edibles in the Landscape." Cost is $35 and includes a light brunch and educational materials. Deadline is Wednesday. Register online at, or call Roberta McCall at Penn State Extension, 825-0900, Ext. 236, for details.   Bus trip to conservatory Presque Isle Garden Club is sponsoring a bus trip to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh on May 5. Current exhibits include the summer flower show, a live butterfly forest and Tropical Forest Congo. The trip is open to the public. Seating is limited. The bus will leave the Millcreek Mall at 8:45 a.m. and arrive back at 8 p.m. Lunch on your own at the Phipps Garden Caf. and dinner on your own in Grove City. Cost, including Phipps admission, is $45. Call Joy Kempf, 756-4095, to reserve a seat. Visit Emmaus Grove Urban Farm School's hotline Have an early-season garden question? Emmaus Grove Urban Farm School, 218 E. 11th St., will host a hotline the third Saturday of each month, starting today, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Penn State Extension master gardeners will answer questions and share gardening ideas. There are 55 raised beds and fruit trees. Call Mike, 825-5878.   L.E.A.F. events Art classes for adults will be offered in a four-week session on Thursdays, beginning Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the L.E.A.F. Education Center. The class includes two weeks of watercolors and two weeks of acrylics, taught by Joyce Perowicz. For beginners to intermediate. Cost is $30 for members, $40 for nonmembers. Includes supplies. Preregistration is required. A class for young children, Little Leaves -- Baby Animals, will be held April 25 at 10 a.m. in the L.E.A.F. Education Center. Movement, stories and art for ages 5 and younger, accompanied by an adult. Cost is $2 per child for children two and older. Free for members and children younger than 2. No preregistration required. The L.E.A.F. Education Center is located at 1501 W. Sixth St. For information, visit, call 453-5323 or e-mail inf... (