Florists in Magna, UT
Find local Magna, Utah florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Magna and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Magna Flower Shops
7980 W 3100 S
Magna, UT 84044
(801) 322-0516
Magna UT News
Sep 8, 2017Flowers and a Card Got Her Attention
Debevoise & Plimpton, the New York law firm. In September, she is to begin work as a litigation consultant, in Dakar, Senegal. She graduated magna cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis and received a law degree from Yale.Her father is a senior project manager at Open Access Technology International, a software services company for the energy industry, in Minneapolis. Her mother is a supervising lawyer at Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, which is in St. Paul.The groom, 35, is a terrorism prevention officer in Dakar for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. He graduated from the Institut d’Études Politiques in Lyon, and received master of laws degrees from both the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and from Harvard. The groom’s mother retired as a physical education teacher at Collège Entre Deux Velles, a middle school in Saone, France. The groom’s father retired in July as a continuing-education program adviser to the French Ministry of National Education, in Montbeliard, France.The couple met in 2013 when Ms. Ejebe, who was living in New York, traveled to Cambridge, Mass., to see a friend who was visiting from Nigeria and staying with Mr. Savoye, who was then working for Harvard’s Kennedy School.Mr. Savoye was instantly enamored of her.“I was intrigued by a number of things,” he said, listing her profession — they were both lawyers, but she was in corporate law — her worldliness, and the easy conversation the two shared. Also, he said, “I clearly just found h...
Jul 14, 2017Princess Olympia of Greece celebrated her 21st birthday with an incredibly lavish party in the Cotswolds, attended ...
As was model and party girl Poppy Delevingne.Here, Delevingne poses with the birthday girl and some glamorous pals.Her father, property magnate Charles Delevingne, also made the guest list.Proud mother Marie Chantal — the Crown Princess of Greece — celebrated with her well-connected circle of friends including art insurer Cyril Karaoglan, Long Island aristocrat Brooke Metcalfe, world-renowned florist Eric Buterbaugh, and publisher Beatrice Vincenzini.Marie Chantal is the founder of a luxury childrenswear brand.Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece, gave a heartfelt speech to mark his daughter's coming of age.Felipe VI, the King of Spain, even made an appearance at the royal bash.The rather decadent sweet buffet included macarons and profiterole towers, which resembled something from a medieval banquet.Princess Olympia's pink 21st birthday cake was suitably opulent.!-- add title if... (Business Insider)
Apr 13, 2017Domenica in fiore con lo Street Flowers Eventi a Parma
Toscana, tra piante aromatiche e ortaggi dall’Emilia Romagna, azalee e rododendri di vivai friulani, o tra gli alberelli di agrumi della Liguria.Attendere un istante: stiamo caricando la mappa del posto... (Parma Today - ParmaToday)
Apr 7, 2017A month for fools and flowers
I was always right. And, well, I was kind of a weird kid.Whenever April rolls around, my first thought is always the opening line to T.S. Eliot’s magna opus “The Waste Land.” And thinking of Eliot always brings back a high school memory that makes me chuckle — and give kudos to my drama teacher, Ms. Horseman, for not chuckling at the time.I was a dramatic teenager, but I wasn’t really an actor. However, that didn’t stop me from joining the drama club and auditioning for plays. One audition in particular stands out in my memory. I was quite consumed with Eliot’s poetry at the time, so I chose the first poem in his Four Quartets as my audition piece.You really need to look up this poem to get the full sense of how that audition went, but let me just run the first line of “Burnt Norton” by you to give you a taste: “Time present and time past/Are both perhaps present in time future/And time future contained in time past.” Now, I performed it with all the gravitas my 15-year-old self could muster, but my goodness, it must have been painful to watch.You can download a collection of Eliot’s work — The Waste Land & the Four Quartets — from KY Libraries Unbound with your Madison County Public Library card. We also have a couple of print volumes of his work at the library, and of course, he is heavily anthologized.Aside from Nobel Prize-winning poets, for me, April is all about fools and flowers, and the Madison County Public Library has plenty of books on both.If you search for “fool” in our catalog at, you’ll find it’s very popular in fiction these days. In fact, your sea... (Richmond Register)
Mar 9, 2017Inventing Your Garden: Wonderful world of orchids
Ford is an interesting story. During Edison’s adventures into the southern end of Florida, he traveled with his wife, Mina, and friend and automobile magnate, Henry Ford and his wife, Clara. They drove their Model T into unchartered territory in 1914 on a camping trip. This daring trip proved that the automobile was capable of traversing rough roads. Edison and his camping partners learned about nature and the many types of plants in the swamps.A favored orchid at Edison Ford is the vanilla bean orchid, which has a lovely, sweet vanilla scent when in bloom, (Photo: Special to The News-Press)They collected orchids from the trees, brought them back and placed them just as they grew in nature at their winter estates. Orchids were only known by collectors and botanic gardens during the early part of the century and virtually unknown to the public. It is thought many guests visiting the Edisons might have brought along an orchid, a fitting gift for the famous inventor and his wife.Today, orchids are easier to acquire, especially with new hybrid varieties grown in local nurseries. The tradition of placing orchids throughout the gardens at Edison Ford continues and thrills garden lovers daily. We attach all types of orchids to the trunks and branches of appropriate hardwood trees and palms. Since many people are unfamiliar with the way orchids grow in nature, the No. 1 question often asked by new visitors is “Are the orchids harming the tree”? Unlike some plants, such as Mistletoe, orchids are not parasitic and only use trees’ rough bark for support. The roots grow around the trunk and work into the crevices, giving the orchid a strong hold.Orchid flowers can appear to resemble butterflies, spiders, insects, dancing ladies, monkeys, frogs and other interesting forms. (Photo: Special to The News-Press)Orchids manage to get their share of sunlight, rain and airflow while hanging high in the trees, then store this reserved energy to survive and bloom – these blooms of orchids are decidedly prized. Orchid flowers are the most amazing highly-developed flower in nature; some producing singly, some in lengthy sprays and others in succession on the stems. Flowers can appear to resemble butterflies, spiders, insects, dancing ladies, monkeys, frogs and other interesting forms. The flowers sometimes resemble insects in order to attract pollinators, thus assuring continuation of the species. Many orchids hav... (The News-Press)